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Wednesday, 14 May 2014

[DOLL] Pullip MIO Make It Own

How exciting~ Today I received my Pullip MIO kit and eyechips. I got them from amiami. If you search Pullip in the search bar, you can find the MIO stuff as well as the Pullips they have currently. Watch out because a lot of the listed items are actually marked as 'sold out'. So try not to get too excited until you've checked that! (voice of experience) You can find the wigs by searching "wig selection". I actually didn't buy a wig from them because I didn't find the wigs until after I had ordered. The listings aren't marked with Pullip for some reason.... so I ended up getting a wig from eBay! Actually, I'm super pleased with this wig. It's different from the standard MIO wigs and it's really nice quality. I thought it might be shiny but the feel of it is just like the normal Pullip hair that come on the standard dolls. I haven't bought any clothes because I plan to make some myself, but I do have some spare ones from my Mami doll, so for now I'll be dressing her in school uniform!

Without further ado, here are some pictures of everything!

Pullip MIO Tanned Skin unboxed and eye chips (see above for product links)
 Here's the box! The packaging is really pretty, and it has a little window so you can see the doll's skin colour too. I bought the Tanned Skin version, because I thought it would be nice to have some variety within my dolls, since all the official ones I have are very pale. I thought it would actually be darker than this, it's really not very tan at all! The body and head are a good colour match though, although it doesn't look like they are in that photo.

Back of the box - instructions in English and Japanese

Here's a close up of the face.. unpainted and waiting for AWESOME MAKE UP!

Eye chip mechanism, eye lids etc

Here's the wig I bought on eBay (see above for link) I love the colours of quality of this so much! It needs a bit of styling help but it's over all a very neat and pretty wig.

Close up of the colours

So that's everything! I'm really excited to start my MIO kit. I live in the UK, so you might be wondering what it cost me to buy all this. It works out as quite a bit cheaper than a regular Pullip, although I haven't bought any clothes for her.

MIO kit and eye chips with air mail shipping to the UK: ~£38
UK customs charge: ~£13
Wig from UK seller: ~£17

Over all cost:  ~£68

With the customising supplies and purchasing clothes, you are starting to look at paying the same as a lower priced Pullip, so while it is cheaper in some ways, if you're not sure then it may be worth getting your favourite Pullip doll instead!

I'll be doing blog posts about my customisation, but for more information on putting the doll together and customising, I recommend this blog post!

Thanks everyone! See you in future for customisation adventure~ I'll hopefully be doing some Monster High updates soon too.

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